Thank you for partnering with us to develop an authentic faith in the lives of your kids! We utilize the strategies from the ORANGE curriculum. Feel free to download the “PARENT CUE” app (one time cost of $1.99) to get additional resources for your family.

We want you to know what you can expect from those serving in Splash, and the policies we’ve put in place to provide a safe, enjoyable environment for all of our kids. If you have any questions for us or suggestions on how improve this ministry, please contact our director, Justin Warner

CHECK-IN procedures

Parents should check-in their child at the self-check in stations on the second level, located at the top of the stairs. The Administrator (who will be wearing a BLUE name-tag/lanyard) can assist as needed. Guests will complete a registration card so the Administrator can enter them into the electronic system.

When your child is checked in properly, you will receive a name-tag sticker for identification purposes while in Splash. Parents will be given a numbered sticker/tag that they will need to present when that child is picked up. Please feel free to orient your child to new surroundings or enter as needed for their comfort; but as they become comfortable, keeping Splash classrooms clear will promote safety and will be greatly appreciated.


Each family will have a randomly assigned number (changing weekly). In the event that a child needs a parents’
attention, your family number will be displayed on the numerical DISPLAY on the left front wall of the church. Upon seeing your family’s number displayed, please report to the check-in area upstairs, and you will be directed to the child in need.

At each gathering, our Splash Administrators will be on hand to facilitate check-in, observe activities, and answer questions. If you need assistance of any kind, please see an Administrator.


There is a privacy area in the “Birth to 24 Month” Room for your use during a gathering.


In order to protect our children from potentially harmful situations, all of our volunteers are required to complete an application and criminal background check prior to serving in Splash. Any reported record of criminal activity involving children will disqualify them from serving in any of our youth ministries. We also perform routine safety drills and evacuations with the aid of our Security Team. If there is an emergency evacuation, parents can reunite in the empty lot across the road and behind the MAA building, where children will be waiting with trained staff members.


Two reasons we ask that you complete the registration card are 1) so we may notify you of Splash updates andother
information via email and 2) so your child can participate in our Birthday Club!


At the end of the gathering, after the last song has been sung, please pick up your children from their classrooms. Numbered parent tags MUST be shown to classroom staff at this time. After leaving the classroom, please remove your child’s name-tag from him/her and hand both tags to the Administrator upon check-out.

Please keep in mind that coming to pick your child up prior to the end of the gathering could mean a disruption to the class, especially if they are finishing up on a craft or activity.


Children will only be released to parent/guardian with matching sticker/tag. If someone other than parent/guardian is picking your child up, a special form will need to be completed at the check-in desk.

CLASSROOM security

Classes have locking doors which are utilized during the gatherings enabling a swift lock-down should it ever become necessary. Feel free to knock upon pick-up of your child.