• Freshwater Community Church (map)
  • 600 E Michigan Ave
  • Paw Paw, MI 49079
  • United States

Men's Ministry Camping Trip is just around the corner!

Yankee Springs Deep Lake Group Campground Organizational Site

August 18-20

Check in is 2 PM Friday

$25/person- Main course of food will be provided, bring your own drinks and favorite sides to share.

Kayaking, fishing, hiking, biking, devotionals and campfires

There is plenty of space so bring your tent or camper! If you need a tent, let us know.

If you would like to bring your son, any age, you are welcome to!

If you have any questions or would like to help with this event contact

Registration closes August 14th

Justin Warner 269-290-4352 / jwarner@freshwaterc.org